Assessment 3 Torus Tutorial

This shape i found to be the most confusing shape that we needed to make. A torus is a three dimensional (3D) donut-shaped geometric shape. One attempting to make a new shape or learn a new skill its always important to have a plan. This is the basic thinking that is needed. 1. How to create something efficiently in terms of amount of material needed and time needed. (Its important to set these variables straight aways as they will be your guide on your project) 2. Mark the sheet according to the shape your are trying to make. plan out where you want to stretch and where you want to shrink. any places your plan to manipulate should be marked. 3. Think about your work process and the end result. Metal on Metal never leaves for a good looking product at the end. 4. always ask for help or a second opinion. when working on a project for a long period of time it may be hard to stay focused on the important thinks. you may spend to much time on one thing mean y...